Welcome to our virtual library where you can have a browse of books, DVD’s, puzzles and games.
Our library is being updated daily with our library team taking care of all of our stock.
Pictured is our collection as it was yesterday, and we’ll be posting weekly photos so you can have a virtual browse.

If you see something you fancy then please ring 01672 487022 and please make sure you have registered with us at PCCA.org.uk.
All books, DVD’s, games and puzzles are sanitized, and left for 48 hrs before being put on the shelves for delivery.

Our virtual browsing posts will usually be updated on Saturdays, and we recommend that you choose a couple of books, jigsaws, etc in case your first choice has already gone out. Or, you can ask if we have anything by particular authors, genre or age groups.
As we update daily, you can imagine our shelves change all the time. Every Saturday we will update with pictures here on FB and on our website PCCA.org.uk.
We are short on ‘tween’ and teenagers books, so if anyone has any of this age group that would be great!
Happy browsing.