Face Mask or No Face Mask?

There has been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing when it comes to the advice about wearing facemasks, however the government has settled on it being better to wear them to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Face Masks are to be worn on all public transport from 15 June 2020 with operators being allowed to refuse passengers access if they are not wearing one and they could fine people for failing to wear one.

If the passenger refuses to pay the fine, they could be reported to the police.
There are some exemptions, young children, disabled people and those with breathing difficulties for example.
The 2-metre distancing rule will be observed but face masks must still be worn even if the rail carriage or bus is only carrying one passenger.
Down at PCCA we have had a volunteer sewing team who, as well as making PPE for key workers, have been making some lovely masks for us volunteers.

They are now going to make masks for the general public for a small donation which will go towards our isolation packs and running costs.
Local business Caroline Dalrymple has kindly donated some material for this.

Face masks may be becoming a fashion statement in the immediate future, so I’ve procured mine early thanks to our talented team!
If you’re interested in a face mask please phone us on 01672 487022.
If you need help please register at ourpca.uk and phone on 01672 487022