Our online community library collection was first to move from the Bouverie to our new HQ at the Scout Hut where we will be operating from from Friday.
PCCA’s volunteer librarians have been busy keeping our books in order so we can carry on serving our neighborhood and keeping us entertained with literature, films and puzzles.
Our books, DVD’s, puzzles and games are available to view online at PCCA.org.uk/library.
This will continue at least until our own Pewsey Library is able to reopen.
We have been talking with Wiltshire Council on how best we can help support our library on re- opening and would welcome more volunteers to join our library team.
If you would like to help out and maybe learn a few new tech skills then please email library@ourpca.uk.
Our phone lines continue to be open. If you want to get involved or need our help please call us on 01672 487022 and either leave a message for one of our volunteers to get back to you or email info@ourpca.uk.
As the recovery stage of the pandemic is changing, we are adapting to the needs of our community and will continue to support the people of Pewsey.
#staysafe #togethermighty #creativecommunities #onlinelibrary #pcca #keepingconnected #healthyminds #positiveattitude