As lockdown is easing further and things are moving on, so too is the vision down at PCCA.

We are planning on staying around and are working on future initiatives to benefit all members of our community.

Our map reading course is proving popular already and may be helpful to those who wish to socialize in a safe and friendly environment.

As folk are coming out of isolation and shopping for themselves, our own shopping service is being wound down, although we will still be offering this to those who really need it.

Our shopping volunteers have worked really hard during this time, going back and forth, and always wearing a smile – albeit under their masks! Thank you guys x.

On another note our BURP (basic universal resource packs) team have seen a decline in numbers, although we realize there may be more job losses after furlough finishes, so please do get in touch if you are adversely affected by this. (01672 487022

Our library volunteers are still working hard updating our online library, so if you want to borrow books, puzzles, games or dvd’s you can browse and order online at

We also have a selection of toys which we are happy to let people have if they’re in need of a present for their little ones. Just call 01672 487022 and we’ll invite you down.

All of our collection is sanitised.
#staysafe #togethermighty #pcca #creative communities #healthyminds #bookworms