As we’re busy making plans for the future, one of our goals is to secure a permanent home.

We’re at the Bouverie Hall until 31st July and have options for the interim, but long term we are looking for accommodation to house our HQ.
If anyone thinks they might have any suitable premises to let please get in touch at

Our library collection will be moving with us and is a great service for those who are missing our actual library.

And with the added puzzles, games and toys sections it is proving very popular.

You can browse and order from our collection online It’s well worth a look if you’ve ran out of reading material or fancy a new puzzle challenge.

Did you know we also have various toys to give away to those who may struggle to buy presents?
If you’d like to take advantage of this please ring 01672 487022.
Our library will operate until Wilts council library can re-open again and we are working to support them with this.
#staysafe #togethermighty #pcca #creativecommunities #movingon #findingpremises #homesweethome #healthyminds #onlinelibrary