With the returning to work for some of our volunteers we are changing our opening times down at Bouverie Hall.

Monday to Friday will be manned 9 – 1. Saturday’s will be open from 10 – 1.

You’ll be able to phone 24/7, and if you leave a message outside of our opening times then be reassured someone will phone you back the next day.

Let us take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and also to our hard working volunteers.

We said goodbye to our food co-ordinator Penny last week and she has been second to none in making sure our VIP’s receive their BURP packs every week.

A lot of effort and organisational skills have been needed for this role and Penny filled it unfalteringly.

She has passed on her knowledge to Laura who smashed her debut today – on her birthday too! Happy Birthday Laura – the deliveries went out without a hitch!

We will continue to help our community and are actively looking at ways to tailor our services as we enter this new phase of the pandemic.
#staysafe #togethermighty #pcca #backtowork #lockdown #easingoflockdown