We’re on the move!

PCA Daily News

It’s our last week at Bouverie Hall this week.

On Friday we are moving over to the scout hut. This shall be our new temporary home until the end of the year. Thanks Nigel Lihou for helping us establish this.

If any of our volunteers are free to help us please do come down to the Bouverie from 1pm on Friday.

As the needs relating to this pandemic have been changing, and we are entering a recovery period we have been adapting our services to best fulfill the needs of our community.

We do have a vision to fulfill and will continue to be there for our local area, supporting other charities and helping get our community connected again.

Our phone lines continue to be open. If you want to get in touch please call us on 01672487022 and either leave a message for one of our volunteers to get back to you or email info@ourpca.uk

PCCA Community Library will be ongoing for a while. We obviously want our own Pewsey Library to re-open and are in talks with Wiltshire Council about how we can support this.

If you’d like to join our library team please email library@ourpca.uk

#staysafe #togethermighty #creativecommunities #pcca #onthemove #communitylibrary