We’d like to take a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
It is all a bit different this year, but we hope that everyone is managing to stay connected one way or another.
We have had a busy time with the Christmas tree, Christmas market, Food Share and Christmas Day meals deliveries, but we are still here to help.
The hub will be closed for a few days, but if anyone does need to get in touch they can leave a message on our phone 01672 487022. The answer phone will be checked regularly, so please don’t be afraid to leave a message.
As the usual sit down meals at Bouverie Hall can’t take place this year, we have teamed up with Nigel Lihou and will deliver 50+ meals on Christmas Day.
The Little Lunchbox have kindly donated small bottles of wine, and we have gifts for our recipients donated by our generous communities.
I’m sure we’ll all agree that this hasn’t been the easiest of years, but with lots of hard work and determination our volunteers have made life a little easier for many of us. Our village should stand proud of itself. Pewsey has really stepped up to help each other out. Thanks very much everyone.
Have a good Christmas, and most of all stay safe and let’s go into 2021 with a positive and determined effort to remain socially connected.